Hmm.. Rice is the most common food in here, and also it's a must. You can't say you have eaten if you haven't eat rice. And that's why there's so many variations in cooking rice.
Like I've been eaten this afternoon. It's called Nasi Goreng Spesial ( Fried Rice Specials ). And what's making it so special? Because it's too many topping in there.
First it consist cornet beef, meat ball, scrambled egg, flour chips, tomato, cucumbar, chili, and the most important thing is of course the rice itself.
Anyway, the most important thing for cooking rice is the way you cooked it. Different cook will give different taste. And that's why I never can made a delicious fried rice, I'm not expert on this stuff. In Bandung I found the most tastefully fried rice. You can try it sometime with only Rp 8000.
Wanna try some? Come and join me.. :D